Retail & Display

Wire mesh products are popular within the Retail & Display Sector, where they are often used to create practical and creative displays for in-store merchandising and point of sale. As we manufacture at our factory in Manchester, we will work with you to create the desired look you require for your stores and can offer a whole range of different finishes.

As well as being used for Retail & Display purposes to display your items, our products can also be used in other areas within the Retail & Display Industry.

To give you an idea on how versatile our wire mesh products are, Wire Mesh Lockers can be used on the shop floor to display goods, but also in the staff or stock rooms for merchandise storage or secure personal belongings, and our Changing Room Benches can be used in customer fitting rooms and also staff locker rooms.

Looking for a bespoke solution?

Our team can develop custom made products to suit your requirements.
Get in touch to discuss your project today!

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